This is the core of ColivHQ's customer relationship management (CRM). From the Members menu item you can add new members, review and edit details about existing ones, as well as get an overview of the relationship with that member (including a list of all requests, maintenance issues, and activities). New members created from integrations are also listed here.
Members can be actually prospects, members or alumni, depending on the tenure of the relationship. When a request is accepted (or Won) a member's type turns from prospect to member and when a member moves out the member's type turn to alumni.
Clicking on a member's record opens up the detail page that shows all requests, activities and maintenance issues related to that member. While looking at these details, one can also add a new activity (including emails) or a new maintenance issue for that member, by clicking on the + button.
A request record is an opportunity to lease one of the units (home, room, or bed). From the Requests menu item you can add new requests, review and edit details about existing ones, as well as move these forward through the sales process. New requests created from integrations are also listed here.
Requests have three main type of data:
- Prospect preferences: this is the wish list of the prospects (including where would they like to live, how much they would like to pay and for how long they would like to stay)
- Opportunity: this is the data about which unit (home, room, or bed) the member is actually going to lease, for how long, at what price
- Stay: this are the specific of the member stay, such as move-in and move-out dates
Requests have a status, which can be:
- Unqualified: a new request, before it's handled by anyone
- Viewing: a valid request, at the point when the prospect member is viewing a unit. At this point a specific unit (home, room, or bed) has been identified and added on the request
- Negotiating: a request where an offer has been shared with the prospect member and a agreement is waiting to be confirmed
- Lost: a request where the prospect member has decided not to proceed with an agreement
- Won: an accepted request, with a signed agreement and a move-in date for the member to join
- Expired: a won request which has reached it's end date and where the member has moved out
- Shared: a request which was not handled by the operator, but instead it was shared with other operators
Managing requests
Depending on the status of a request, one or more actions will be available for you to take on these requests. Actions will guide you to move this request forward to the next steps.
As you take actions on the requests, activities will be generated and related to the requests, helping you and your team to keep track of what was done and what needs to happen next. Here is more about working with activities.
Automated bills
Once a request is Won, one of the actions available on the request is to create an Auto-bill. You can do this from the action menu or by going to the request details and click on ADD AUTO-BILL at the bottom of the first section of the request detailed view. Here is more about how to create and manage automated bills.
Finally, from the Availability menu item you can get an overview of all your inventory and and requests at once for the next month.