Bills are a core functionality of ColivHQ. ColivHQ allows to automatically issue monthly bills to all your members, and send them. Here is how to create and manage automated bills. Before you start with the first automated bill, make sure that you you have taken the steps to set up bills in ColivHQ -- see here for more info on how to do this.

Create a auto-bill record

Auto-bill records are the repository of information for the first bill and the following monthly bills to send to a member. To create an automated bill:

  1. On the left navigation menu, got to Requests
  2. Find a Won Request and open the detailed view
  3. At the end of the first section click on ADD AUTO-BILL button (if the button says VIEW/EDIT AUTO-BILL it means that the opportunity already has one automated bill associated with it)
  4. The first step will show the information about the request, once confirmed that all the information is correct click on NEXT
  5. The second step is about the bill:
    • Select when you want the first bill to be issued. This should be the first day of the stay
    • Confirm the auto-bill day of the month, the first day and its month (this comes from the settings that you have on your account)
    • Confirm whether you want to automatically email the first bill. If not, the bill will be generated, but not sent
    • Confirm whether you want to automatically email each monthly bills. If not, the bills will be generated, but you will need to monthly send them
    • Add any additional text to show on the bill, such as an order or booking reference number for example
    • Confirm all your bill items. These come from your account settings
    • Once all done, click on NEXT
  6. If you have selected to send the bills via email, here you will be able to select the from email address and the text to use for these monthly emails. Once done click SAVE

Modify an auto-bill record

To edit an existing auto-bill, the starting point is again a Request.

  • On the left navigation menu, got to Requests
  • Find a Won Request and open the detailed view
  • At the end of the first section click on VIEW/EDIT AUTO-BILL 
  • The auto-bill record will show all it's settings and also the bills that have already been generated by this bill here. You can edit the automated bill by clicking on the pencil at the top of the record.
  • Editing an auto-bill works in in a similar way to creating a new one. Once gone through the three steps, click on SAVE

See all bills

In addition to be able to see the bills generated by one auto-bill record at the bottom of the auto-bill details, all bills are available to see in the Bills section, on the left navigation menu.