Once you have added one ore more outbound email address to ColivHQ, you can send emails using this account. To send emails, you could:

  1. Create a new email 
  2. Reply to an inbound email

Create a new email

On the detailed record view of a Member, a Request, or an Issue, you are able to see inbound and outbound emails, in the "Activities" related list. Here is how you can send a new email:

  1. To create a new email, press the envelop button next to to the Activities related list. You will be able to compose and email from here, and relate it to your existing records.
  2. In From you will be able to see any email address that you have added as an outbound email addressed, for you or your team
  3. In To, enter address that you would like to send a message to--this will be pre-filled in most cases, if you are starting from an existing record related to a member
  4. Type subject and the body
  5. The fields on the bottom of the from, issues and requests, should be already pre-filled with the name of the issue or request that you were on when you started to created this email
  6. Click on ADD ATTACHMENTS at the bottom of the form, if you want to add any attachments.
  7. Click SEND when ready

Reply to an inbound email

Inbound emails are related to members, based on the email they are coming from (and on the existence of this email on the member's records in ColivHQ), and to Issues or Requests, if they come in as reply to emails you have sent from these records. You can see inbound emails on these records, and reply from them. You are also able to see inbound emails in your To-Do list on My ColivHQ (even for emails not related to members or other records). 

To reply to an email:

  1. From an activity record, press the button with the left arrow 
  2. Fill in the email form, in the same way as you would for a new email
  3. Click SEND when ready